Friday, November 9, 2012

Chronicle 13: NOMA Conference Wrap-up - part 1

Centric Design Studio was pleased to have been involved in the planning and hosting of the National Organization of Minority Architects Conference that was held in Detroit, Michigan in October.

We got to see old friends, build new relationships, and network a little even though we were quite busy with the day-to-day logistics of the Conference.

If you weren't able to be there, check out the conference program book. Just click through and you can page through and see all of the educational seminars and informative speakers that were on hand. And we're proud to say, CDS designed this year's book.



  1. I just review your every single blog post..and it was awesome..will be back to read this blog soon.

  2. Thanks for following the Blog and the complements! We hope you continue to find our Blog interesting. We hope to post part 2 of Chronicle 17 in a couple of weeks.
